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Useful links

Eating Disorders

Mental health university Institute Douglas

This section of the Mental health university Institute Douglas offers a wide variety of information to help better understand eating disorders, what causes them, their consequences as well as the proposed treatments.


ProfIL is a reference Center for health care professionals dealing with the male gender’s eating disorders and their body image issues. The Center’s goal is to raise health care professionals’ awareness with regards to body image issues and eating disorders in men and provide them with the necessary tools to inform them on the subject. Articles and webinars are available and access a wide range of subjects which refer to the warning signs and treatments of eating disorders in men.

Please note that this an French only website.

Stéphanie Leonard, Psychologist website

This site was created by Dr. Stéphanie Léonard, Psychologist. It contains various sections on eating disorders and body image. Stéphanie Léonard hereby offers informative tools as well as the resources concerning eating disorders.

Please note that this an French only website.

National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) 

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) is an English, Toronto-based non-profit organization. The NEDIC website offers information as well as various tools regarding eating disorders. Several questions and answers are proposed to demystify certain beliefs and better understand body image as well as the behavior in relation with eating disorders.

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) 

The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) website contains a great deal of useful information on eating disorders. Also presented on this site are information videos, interview excerpts and news pertaining to eating disorders.

Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) 

The Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) is an organization which specializes in eating disorders, but more specifically, binge-eating disorder. This website offers a wide array of information concerning this issue. It also contains the results of various scientific studies which have been made in the last few years concerning binge-eating disorder.

National Association for Males with Eating Disorders (N.A.M.E.D)

Through its website, the National Association for Males with Eating Disorders (N.A.M.E.D.) is committed to offering support to men suffering from an eating disorder. This illustrates their expertise on the subject as well as promotes the development, thus integrating intervention and research. Browsing the website & reading articles written by professionals as well as testimonials on the blog, helps in obtaining information on eating disorders specifically with men. It is also possible to consult a list of books recommended by the association.

Body image

Dove Self-Esteem Project

The Dove Self-Esteem Project offers many programs addressed to all adults, be they parents, teachers, mentors or counsellors for youth. These awareness programs provide tools and resources to help youth aged 8 to 17 years old to overcome anxiety related to body image. The goal of the project is to improve children’s and teens’ confidence and self-esteem. A youth-specific section is present, in addition to a specific section for educators, teachers, mentors or counsellors for youth.

Eating Disorder Awareness week

In order to answer anyone working in school environments who may need information, ANEB and the Maison l’Éclaircie provide a guidebook explaining the best ways to raise awareness about eating disorders. Many educational activities are also proposed and may provide some ideas to help students develop a positive body image and positive self-esteem.

Please note that this an French only website.

Hors ligne blog from la Maison l’Éclaircie

The Hors ligne blog is an information blog, an eating disorder demystification blog and a tool guide which promotes mutual support and sharing means to feel better about one’s body. This is an invitation to take up the challenge of authenticity and diversity!

Please note that this an French only website.

“Charte québécoise pour une image corporelle saine et diversifiée (CHIC)” 

La Charte québécoise pour une image corporelle saine et diversifiée (CHIC) ” was launched in the Spring of 2010 with the wish to encourage a more realistic image of people. Its wish is to promote a healthy and diverse body image by encouraging the broadcast of people of all ages, sizes and various cultural origins. Thousands of petitioners have shown their support in this initiative.


Équilibre is an organization that helps prevent and lessen the issues related to weight and body image. This site offers an understanding of the impact that diets and beauty standards have on the population. It also offers tools for the general public, Spokespeople, the younger population as well as the press (media).

Please note that this an French only website.

Mental Health

“Mouvement Santé mentale Québec (SMQ)”

The “Mouvement Santé mentale Québec (SMQ)” works on demystifying mental health in their organization members in Quebec. It encourages exchanges, the sharing of experience and expertise as well as the creation of joint projects. The Mouvement also works on improving the general population’s mental health by giving information.

Please note that this an French only website.