Help and reference line 1 800 630-0907 514 630-0907
Help and reference line 1 800 630-0907 514 630-0907

Support group for racialized people (Aboriginals, Blacks, and people of color)

ANEB is proud to offer a brand-new support group for Black people, Aboriginals and people of color who suffer from an eating disorder. This 8-week group will take place on Tuesdays starting October 10, between 7 and 9 pm. Meetings will be held remotely, using the Zoom videoconferencing platform. Participation in this group is completely free!

Lors de ces rencontres gratuites et confidentielles, les participants auront l’occasion de discuter en groupe de thématiques liées à l’image corporelle, aux conduites alimentaires et à la culture. Une animatrice d’ANEB formée sur les troubles alimentaires sera présente pour accompagner les participants dans leurs réflexions au travers de discussions guidées et d’activités.

This support group requires a commitment on the part of participants to attend every meeting over the 8-week period. A short telephone meeting is held before the start of the first session so that the group facilitator can contact each participant.

To register, please fill in the link to the following pre-registration form:

An ANEB representative will contact you to discuss the next steps.