Ligne d'écoute 514 630-0907 1 800 630-0907
Texting service 1 800 630-0907

Self-Esteem and Body Image 

Duration : 60 minutes
This conference is addressed to teenagers.

This conference allows to better understand the different factors influencing self-esteem, body image and a person’s relationship to food.

Cost : 225$/conference

Travel expenses will apply, for details click here

For further information or to reserve a conference, please contact Lise-Andrée Massé, education and prevention coordinator at ANEB by e-mail: [email protected] or phone 514 630-0907 or 1 800 630-0907.

Specific conference goals

  • Define what body image is.
  • Understand the connection between self-esteem and body image.
  • Identify the different factors that may have a role to play on body image.
  • Think about the importance given to appearance.
  • Recognize the different eating disorders, their consequences and how to help a loved-one.