Help and reference line 1 800 630-0907 514 630-0907
Help and reference line 1 800 630-0907 514 630-0907

ANEB: Help and support for people with eating disorders and for their loved ones.

Anorexia and Bulimia Québec (ANEB) is a non-profit organization that guarantees free, immediate and specialized help to people with an eating disorder and to their loved ones. ANEB has offered specialized services for 30 years and maintains its presence in various places in order to raise awareness of this mental health issue. Through various educational services and through the creation of new partnerships, ANEB helps to prevent and to decrease the consequences of eating disorders.

What is ANEB?

ANEB is very proud to be a partner of the DOVE Self-Esteem Project.

Watch the following video to see their mission in action!