Ligne d'écoute 514 630-0907 1 800 630-0907
Texting service 1 800 630-0907

Social Media and Eating Disorders : Towards a Healthy Utilization of Social Media

Duration : approximately 60 minutes
Clientele secondary students

The main objective of this conference is to help raise awareness in youth on the negative effects of unhealthy
utilization of social media on their mental health and particularly on body image which can lead to eating disorders.

Cost : 225$/conference

Travel expenses will apply, for details click here

For further information or to reserve a conference, please contact Lise-Andrée Massé, education and prevention coordinator at ANEB by e-mail: [email protected] or phone 514 630-0907 or 1 800 630-0907.


·      Have a better understanding of what is body image
·      What is a continuum of a dysfunctional relationship with food
·      Learn the main types of eating disorders
·      Discover the risk factors that are associated with an unhealthy use of social media
·       Learn to develop critical thinking
·      Learn about the algorithms behind social media
·      Why are youth more vulnerable
·      Implement strategies for a healthier use of social media