Sock it to eating disorders 2024

The 6th edition of À bas les troubles alimentaires #abaslesta day will be held on Thursday, April 11, 2024!
ANEB invites Quebec schools and the general public to take part in the movement.

This initiative gives us wings to pursue our mission and equip our young people with the best backpack for entering adult life.



How to participate

It’s simple! If you’re a principal or vice-principal, a teacher or a student activities organizer, just follow these steps:

1.  Go to this page to enroll your school here

2. Download the PDF poster for 2024

3.  You’ll then have access to:

➜ Content in the form of testimonials and informative videos

➜ Download your school’s kit: explanatory documents, posters and various promotional materials, and sample emails to parents, staff and students

➜ Visuals for your social media pages (see below)

4. Download the printable fact sheet to educate your school community about eating disorders and start the conversation on this important issue. You can distribute it to teachers, staff and professionals who work with your students. You can also post it in the staff room and in places you deem appropriate.

5. On Thursday, April 11, 2024, create visibility for the movement by wearing your best/silliest/favourite pair of socks! Invite your students to share photos of their socks and to challenge 3 of their friends to do the same, using the hashtag #ANEBsockittoeds and tagging @anebquebec.

6. Here are some touching testimonials to download and share here


Be a proud part of the movement. Be proud to be among those who have the courage to talk openly about eating disorders. Wear your funkiest socks—or even just your favourites—and invite 3 of your contacts to do the same. Use the hashtag #sockittoed and tag @anebquebec.

For more information, write to us at  [email protected]



➜ To make a REAL DIFFERENCE in awareness, treatment and healing of the most underfunded and most fatal mental illness in Canada. It’s an illness that especially affects people at an age when they’re sensitive, influenceable and questioning their identity. It’s these young clients who are likely to turn to ANEB for help.

➜ To make adolescents aware of eating disorders as a MENTAL ILLNESS and to DISMANTLE biases and misconceptions about EDs.

➜ To help ANEB REACH OUT to adolescents at risk as soon as symptoms arise, and GUIDE them through their recovery.

➜ To enable ANEB to continue offering high-quality services, free of charge.